Trending songs
Do not miss any trending song, whether it's trending globally, or in just a few countries. We compute daily, weekly and monthly charts of the most trending sounds on TikTok.
Find the next big hit before anyone else and track performance of any song.
TikTok sounds monitored
TikTok users monitored
TikTok videos recorded
Do not miss any trending song, whether it's trending globally, or in just a few countries. We compute daily, weekly and monthly charts of the most trending sounds on TikTok.
Deep dive into analytics to understand how and when a song became viral. Track performance daily, including top hashtags and top countries for millions of TikTok songs.
Find the next big star before anyone else thanks to our dedicated A&R search engine. Filter by countries, audience, sound type ... Everything you need to sign your next hit.
Millions of datapoints are collected and computed daily to make sure your decisions and analyses are based on up-to-date data to guarantee the best results.
Unlike other tools, we also track smaller songs, even below 100 videos created thanks to our scalable solution. That's how we are able to spot upcoming trends before anyone else.
Global trends are great, but songs usually become viral in a country before going global. By providing country-level data, we make sure you can find the trending songs before they go global.
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