
2024 Q3

  • Trending songs daily / weekly

    Compute a monthly chart for the most trending sounds of the day or the week.
  • Song analytics

    Display analytics for each sound, including a chart with daily values of videos created, top countries and top hashtags.
  • Trending songs monthly

    Compute a monthly chart for the most trending sounds of the month.
  • Search songs (by link)

    Allow users to search for songs based on the tiktok link
  • A&R songs discovery

    Discover emerging songs based on multiple criteria or your choice.

2024 Q4

  • Match songs with Shazam

    Match tiktok sounds with Shazam tracks to be able to group all sounds related to the same track, and provide more analytics.
  • TikTok - Shazam - Spotify graph

    On the same graph, display evolutions of TikTok videos, shazams and Spotify streams.
  • Top Videos

    For each song, display the Top videos (most views) globally and per country.

2025 Q1

  • User analytics

  • Influencers search

    Find influencers based on many parameters.